The DJI Phantom FC40

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Being in my early 30’s I no longer expect to receive big box presents from my parents on Christmas day but this year was a little special as they got me and my little brother a joint present… a DJI Phantom FC40 Quadcopter which is the entry level offering from DJI but it’s a powerful piece of tech which comes with a fixed mount 720p HD WiFi Camera that connects to a smartphone to provide a live video feed with a standard range of about 100 metres.

Our first flight was out in the fields by my house and I was immediately impressed by how responsive the controls were and also got to test out the automatic fly home feature when the controller loses communication, the quadcopter returned to our position and slowly descended for a perfect landing.

For the next flight I’m going to use a WiFi repeater to see if I can get a better range out of the WiFi camera as the connection cuts out between 50 – 100 metres away which limits flying distance.

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