" Disneyland Resort "

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Switching PHP versions automatically with Laravel Valet

Note: This article was originally published by me on SiteRig’s blog on 29th August 2021.

I recently made a contribution to Laravel Valet which adds the ability to specify the PHP version via a .valetphprc file in the project root to make it easier working with the different versions of PHP that some projects may use.

Just make sure you’re using Laravel Valet v2.16.0 or higher on macOS and then add this simple script in your ~/.zshrc file:

autoload -U add-zsh-hook
load-valetphprc() {
  [[ -a .valetphprc ]] || return
  local php_version=$(php -r "echo PHP_MAJOR_VERSION . '.' . PHP_MINOR_VERSION;")
  local valetphprc_path=".valetphprc"

  if [ -f "$valetphprc_path" ]; then
    local valetphprc_version="$(cat "${valetphprc_path}")"

    if [ "php@$php_version" != "$valetphprc_version" ]; then
      valet use
add-zsh-hook chpwd load-valetphprc

Now when you cd into your project directory, if a .valetphprc file with a valid version of PHP is found (e.g. php@7.4) the valet use command will be run automatically giving you one less thing to think about when working across multiple projects.

Sailing to the Isles of Scilly

It’s me! Matt Stone. It’s the summer and after a bumper year of vacations in 2017 (see video links below) we decided in 2018 to focus on paying off debts and saving for buying our first house, however when my parents invited us to go sailing during one of the nicest and sustained heatwaves we’ve ever had in the UK, I managed to convince Dianne we should go (she doesn’t enjoy being on boats!).

We sailed from the Helford River in Cornwall across the Celtic Sea to the Isles of Scilly, the most westerly point in England. We had 3 nights anchored in St Marys and Tresco and enjoyed exploring both of these beautiful islands that look less like England and more like the Caribbean.

Vacations from 2017:
London to Paris & CitizenM Room Review – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhnEhQoUi9s
Disneyland Resort Paris – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ipwIsC1gR4
Disneyland Anaheim in California – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jY1DTQZ25vA
California Route 66 Road Trip – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=girtVmd_dow
The City of Los Angeles – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozZPIJAgyMI

Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel and also follow me on social media for more interesting content:

The locations were:

The English Channel – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Channel
Porthcressa, St. Marys and Tresco in the Isles of Scilly – https://www.visitislesofscilly.com/islands

The first track is Alive by Dyalla.

Download her music and follow her here:

The second track is Movin’ by Joakim Karud ft. Blue Wednesday

Download his music and follow him here:

The third track is Midnight by David Cutter

Download his music and follow him here:

Filmed with a Canon G1x Mk II/Gorillapod Hybrid.

The City of Los Angeles

It’s me! Matt Stone. It was our last full day in Los Angeles and we decided to see some local sights. We travelled to Griffith Park to hike up the hill to the world famous Griffith Observatory made famous by Hollywood movies and containing an amazing science museum and of course the observatory. We then went and met our friend James for lunch and ended up at Santa Monica beach and the Pier where my brother Morgan finally got to have a go on his skateboard.

On our trip to Los Angeles where we spent most of our time at Disneyland, Anaheim (video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jY1DTQZ25vA), we also did a day trip into the California desert along Route 66 as far as we could drive in half a day (video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=girtVmd_dow).

Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel and also follow me on social media for more interesting content:

The locations were:

Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CA USA – https://www.laparks.org/griffithpark
Griffith Observatory, Los Angeles, CA, USA – http://griffithobservatory.org
Santa Monica Pier, Santa Monica, CA, USA – https://santamonicapier.org

The first track is Oh, My Life by Dyalla.

Download his music and follow him here:

Filmed with a Canon G1x Mk II/Gorillapod Hybrid.

California Route 66 Road Trip

It’s me! Matt Stone. Back in 2011 my wife Dianne and I went on an epic road trip across the United State of America, we started in Chicago and followed the old alignments of Historic Route 66 as far as Flagstaff, AZ (see our video of the trip here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrPONHckPp8). We went up to Las Vegas followed by Los Angeles and San Francisco which meant we missed some of the best sections of Route 66 through western Arizona and almost all of California.

On our trip to Los Angeles where we spent most of our time at Disneyland, Anaheim (video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jY1DTQZ25vA), we did a day trip into the California desert along Route 66 as far as we could drive in half a day.

We stopped off at the McDonalds museum in San Bernardino where we met the museum curator Jack Marcus, the California Route 66 Museum in Victorville where we had a personal tour of the museum from Lou, one of the volunteers who had many amazing stories about the collection and his own life growing up in the USA, with our final stop being Barstow and seeing the famous Harvey House and Train Station.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel and also follow me on social media for more interesting content:

The locations were:

First Original McDonalds Museum, San Bernardino, CA, USA – https://www.facebook.com/FirstOriginalMcdonaldsMuseum/
California Route 66 Museum, Victorville, CA, USA – http://califrt66museum.org
Barstow Harvey House and Rail Depot, Barstow, CA, USA – http://www.barstowharveyhouse.com

The first track is Sunshine Flow by David Cutter.

Download his music and follow him here:

The second track is Fruit Punch by Jordyn Edmonds.

Download his music and follow him here:

Filmed with a DJI Mavic Pro and a Canon G1x Mk II/Gorillapod Hybrid. The hire car was a Chevrolet Camero Convertible.