Happy Cinco de Mayo!

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I thought I would give Matt the night off and have a go at writing my first ever blog. So instead of old petrol stations and railway bridges you can get an idea of the exciting things on Route 66 from my point of view!

Today we drove from Tucumcari, New Mexico to Holbrook, Arizona mainly on the I-40 because Mapquest said it would have taken 19 hours to drive the old Route 66!

Although we have spent most of the day on the interstate we have seen some exciting things, here are my highlights.

We saw three of those mini tornados that churn up all the dust and sand – Matt kept calling them dust devils? They’re quite exciting but we definitely don’t want to see any other kind of tornados!

Travelling through New Mexico into Arizona there are more and more “authentic Indian villages” which sound so exciting, until you get there and realise it’s a gift shop – not a wig wam in site! Anyway, we’ve visited a few of them now and I’ve become obsessed with moccasins! I’m still holding out hope of finding an authentic Indian Village though.

Arriving in Arizona we stopped off at the Arizona Visitor Welcome Centre, which was really nice. It’s located in the mountains (or mesa’s) with fantastic views, there are prairie dogs – they’re amazing and it has some more of those Indian gift shops (with wig wams!) but what stood out most for me was the sign “poisonous snakes and insects inhabit the area” no more flip flops for me!!

Today is Cinco de Mayo, Its an American holiday as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride. It was the perfect time to start the day in New Mexico. Happy Cinco de Mayo!

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about 14 years ago Reply

Loving the blogs guys! In work at the moment and bloody jealous! Im thinking about replacing my Eurotrip this Summer with America!


about 14 years ago

Definatly should replace Eurotrip with America. Probably work out cheaper with Motels being $39.99 a night!

Ollie M

about 14 years ago Reply

Well written Dianne! Hope your both enjoying the trip!

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